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Economic Doom & Legal IndustryViews: 193
Nov 03, 2008 4:58 pm re: re: re: re: re: Economic Doom & Legal Industry

'It is really interesting how people react to a request for advice, depending upon their own knowledge and experience. A person with a Booker ambition advises you read a few books on literature, and another to see a few films of International repute. '

:-D :-D... Charu you are right in that people will answer based on their own experience & outlook & what works for them...& I honestly think good books help shape one's thoughts(recission or no recession) & response to the challenges n questions that life happens to throw at one...maybe it might look odd to you but I've never failed to find a book which applies to my particular circumstances at particular time & I enthusiastically recommend books to people though there are hardly any takers most of the times....but I keep trying.....who knows maybe one day someone somewhere might take up my suggestion..this was a question pertaining to recession...when a girl on other network on Ryze confessed about her suicide attempts..this is what I did...recommended a book..kinda hilarious but i was being very sincere....n I assure you that I don't have any booker aspirations whatsoever cos I can't write to save my life.

Soeb it would be swell if you could add a few details about the movies recommended & why do YOU think they are worth watching.

Partha with all these recommendation you might consider taking an odd year or two off & bide time reading the books & watching the movies till the recission subsides. (heck I wanted to recommend one more book (& this one makes a person totally fearless) but won't lest everyone who has so far not thought of me as loony & eccentric do that) ....maybe we could suggest a few songs to listen to as well...okay just kidding.

Teaching is almost recission proof...but I'm afraid you can't make as much money teaching as you can make lawyering...but in any case the money in teaching is comfortable though not spectacular & there are other perks like a lighter work load ...calm yet upbeat work environment & more...if you don't want to jump in full time you can even consider teaching as visiting faculty while practising law.

& I was kinda hoping that you read the Rainmaker n share your thoughts on it with me....i think you will like it honestly...n you can also pick up a few strategies from Rudy Baylor on hunting for a legal job n I tell ya he does plenty of that in the book n frames some pretty lengthy n complex strategies...I know yr circumstances are not dire...but his were n so he is kinda pro in hunting for jobs. (which makes my suggestion not so impractical afterall)

There is a movie based on Rainmaker too starring Matt Damon(though of course its not Rainman) & I absolutely hated it...I guess it failed to capture the entire internal dialogue that goes inside Rudy Baylor's head..n which is what made the book my favorite...it protrayed the courtroom thriller part well but it it din't work for me on a whole.

Do you have placements cell in your Law sthe way we have them in B-schools??

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